This formula is mapped to named range – calendar.

For given month, the calendar is nothing but =daysAndWks + DateOfFirst - WEEKDAY(DateOfFirst,2).This formula is mapped to named range – DateOfFirst Next step is to find the first date of each month using a simple date formula like =date(year,month,1).I mapped this formula to daysAndWks named range. I used a combination of INDIRECT, OFFSET and COLUMN to get this. The first step to create a calendar is to generate a sequence of numbers 1 thru 42 (because calendar grid has 42 cells – 7 days per week x 6 weeks max, per month).For this calendar, I took inspiration from Daniel’s Live Calendar example (Recommended reading for formula enthusiasts).All the formulas for the calendar are written in the worksheet mini.The cell D3 in worksheet Full has the year of calendar.

This is the same file as 2011 calendar with the year changed. For Excel 2003 compatible version, click here.